
Rapid Conversion of Biomass and CO2 into Chemicals and Fuels under Hydrothermal Conditions : A Potentially Useful Technology by Mimicking Nature

Jennifer Stewart

To decrease a genuine worldwide energy emergency and an Earth-wide temperature boost brought about by the irregularity between the lethargic arrangement of petroleum products and fast utilization by human exercises, the creating of the innovation for rapidly transforming biomass and CO2 into energizes and synthetics is required. Aqueous responses, which can be perceived as a compelling pathway in the carbon cycle, assumed a significant part in shaping petrol, flammable gas, and coal from natural squanders. Assuming people could mimic the normal wonders of the arrangement of fossils, it ought to rapidly transform biomass and CO2 into powers and synthetics. This paper gives an outline of some new investigations on aqueous change of biomass like carb, lignin, and glycerin into esteem added synthetic compounds. Some new development in aqueous decrease of CO2 is additionally introduced.

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