
Potentiality of uranium adsorption from crude phosphoric acid using trioctylamine impregnated polyurethane foam

A.M.Daydamoni, A.E.M.Hussein*, H.S.Gado, B.H.Ali2, W.M.Youseif

The present work deals with uranium adsorption from crude phosphoric acid using the extraction chromatography technique (solvent impregnated material), i.e. tri-n-octylamine (TOA) was impregnated onto polyurethane foam. The calculated theoretical capacity of the prepared adsorbent (polyurethane foam) was 1.7 g U/g foam. The attained uranium adsorption efficiency (using ion-exchange columnar technique) was about 22% of its theoretical capacity. Using 1MNaCl-0.1MH2SO4 as eleuent solution for uranium fromthe loaded solvent impregnated foam gave about 96%elution efficiency.

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  • Kosmos IF
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  • Geheime Suchmaschinenlabore
  • Euro-Pub
  • Universität von Barcelona

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