Measurements of Excess Loss of the Crossed Waveguide in Anisotropic Dielectric Inner Coating Plasma Medium Through Millimeter Wave Propagation
Apurb Kumar, Kumar Sunil Pradhan, Baby Sarika, Dilip Kumar Shahi and Mukesh Kumar
In the present paper, an attempt has been carried out to measure the excess loss of the crossed wave guide. Crossed waveguide is widely used in optical devices, whose excess loss has a strong impact on mulltiturn optical wave guide. Based on the extended Huygen’s-Fresnel integral formulae for the average irradiance of circular and elliptical propagating are derived. It is found that circular and elliptical anomalous hollow beams at short-propagation distance in turbulent atmosphere, which is much different from their propagation properties in free space. The thickness of the dielectric and its location in the waveguide are studied with respect to their effects on the number of spectra observed. Finally, the excess loss of the anistropic and isotropic dielectric have been investigated.