
In-vitro Studies on Salinity Stress on the Growth of Aspergillus Oryzae

Ravikumar Patil HS, Sayeswara HA, Maruthi KR, Makari HK and Abhilash M

The effect of Fungi under salinity condition was studied. Different concentration of Sodium chloride as 0 (control), 0.5% (low), 4.5% (medium) and 17.5% (high) were employed for salinity stress. It was seemed that fungi colonization was differ in different saline condition. Weight of fungal mat were higher than control in 7.5% saline concentration incubation period was 15 days. Intervals of 7th and 15th day of incubated sample tested for protein estimation and amino acid test.

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  • Kosmos IF
  • MIAR
  • Geheime Suchmaschinenlabore
  • Euro-Pub
  • Universität von Barcelona

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