
Influence of growth hormones on production of trichosanthin (TCN) from in vitro cultures of Trichosanthes species

T.Shasthree, B.Mallaiah

During the in vitro cultures of Trichosanthes anguina and T. kirlowii, effect of various concentrations of plant growth regulators (PGR’s) were studies on the production of a secondarymetabolite, “trichosanthin” (TCN) which is effective in inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus I replication in Lymphocytes and macrophase cells in vitro. It is a wonder drug used for curing AIDS[1] . NAA Kinetin TDZ and BAP attached the yield of trichosanthin (TCN). Identification of trichosanthin in each of the tissues was carried out by thin layer chromatography (TLC).

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