Implement of SAP budget management in productionoriented enterprises and relevant suggestions
Dingfen Tang, He Xing
SAP Budget Management System plays an important role in promoting scientific management and carrying out production activities effectively in production-oriented enterprises. Characters of SAP System consist of effective management and analysis of relevant production data, connections of sections in enterprises, scientifical data management and analysis and scientificity assurance of production activities. In the study, SAP System was and its characteristics were introduced, software structure, hardware structure, design principles and server structure were analyzed, so basic operational principles could be presented more visually and particularly, at the same time server could be confirmed scientifically. In the end, specific and required system configuration was studied and displayed clearly; therefore, better effects can be achieved in implement of SAP Budget Management System in production-oriented enterprises. Main contents and purpose can be completely reflected in thinking of the study, in the hope of study can provide powerful support for rapid development of production-oriented enterprises.