
Development and Validation of Spectrophotometric Method for Clopidogrel Bisulfate in Bulk and in Formulations

Pravin Cholke, Y. N. Ingale, A. S. Gopale, K. Jadhav and S. Z. Chemate

Clopidogrel bisulfate belongs to the class of inhibitor of P2Y12 ADP platelet receptors inhibitor. The aim of this study was to develop simple, sensitive, cost effective, accurate, precise and rapid ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometric method for the estimation of clopidogrel bisulfate in pure form and its formulations. For the estimation of clopidogrel bisulfate, solvent system employed was triple distilled water (pH 1) instead of acetonitrile and wavelength of detection was 222 nm. The developed method was used to estimate the total drug content in commercially available tablet formulations of clopidogrel bisulfate.

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  • Geheime Suchmaschinenlabore
  • Euro-Pub
  • Universität von Barcelona

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