
Anticancer Activity of the Whole Plant of Ethanol Extract of Polygala Chinensis L. (Polygalaceae)

M. Alagammal, A. Nishanthini and V. R. Mohan

Tuhar pulse is a very important crop of Indian farmers. It is one of the most proteinous foods of Public. It is common food for Indian people. It is cultivated mostly in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Recently, in these states industrialization and infrastructure development works are going very fast causing huge amounts of pollutants and particulate entering into the atmosphere. Pollutants are oxide of carbon, oxide of nitrogen, oxide of sulphur, oxide of chlorine, chloride ions, ammonia, organic acids and aldehydes, where as particulates are dust, smoke, mist and fog. Particulates are deposited on the surface of Tuhar pulse flower. Some of these particulates are hygroscopic in nature. They absorb pollutants and form acids. These acids in turn develop micro-electrochemical cell with flower of Tuhar pulse, which destroy flowering of Tuhar pulse. Other factors are acid rain, global warming and depletion of ozone layer affecting the production of Tuhar pulse.

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